07789 744101 Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 0HR info@akpoultry.com



Place of Origin – Czech Republic
Classification – Large Fowl, Hybrid
Eggs – Brown

Bluebells have a very bonny blue/grey feathering, a very popular choice with their placid nature.

Bluebelles are breed from a maran and Rhode Island red.

Great layers laying around 260 eggs a year.

Available all year.

Price: £17.50

Please contact us for availability & to order.

Black Rocks

Place of Origin – United States of America
Classification – Large Hybrid
Eggs – Brown

Black rocks are well known for been hardly and prolific layers, laying around 300 eggs a year.

Bred from Rhode island cockerel and barred Plymouth rock hen.

They are black with gold round their necks. Very friendly birds.

Price: £17.50

Please contact us for availability & to order.

Black Stars

Place of Origin – Czech Republic
Classification – Medium Hybrid
Eggs – Brown

Black stars are similar to the black rock also bred from a rhode island red cockerel and barred plymouth rock hen.

Make great pets and friendly. black stars are black with gold round the neck.

Excellent layers, laying 290-300 eggs per year.

Available all year.

Price: £17.50

Please contact us for availability & to order.

Hy Lines

Place of Origin – United States of America
Classification – Medium Hybrid
Eggs – Light Brown

Hy-lines are your most prolific layer been known to lay upto 320 eggs per year in good conditions.

Ideal for free range egg production and the most friendly hen.

Hy-lines are bown in colour

Available all year.

Price: £15.00

Please contact us for availability & to order.


Place of Origin – Czech Republic
Classification – Heavy, Large Fowl
Eggs – Tinted and large

These birds are great for a high egg production, often laying 300 eggs a year.

The males can grow to 4.8kg and females 3.5kg.

We have available Light and Silver only.

Price: £17.50

Please contact us for availability & to order.

Cuckoo Marans

Place of Origin – Czech Republic
Classification – Heavy, Large Fowl
Eggs – Brown

They are a very strong hardy bird and lay 270+ eggs a year

The males can grow to around 3.8kg and females 3.2kg

We have availability all year.

Price: £17.50

Please contact us for availability & to order.

White Leghorns

Place of Origin – Czech Republic
Classification – Light, Large Fowl
Eggs – Large, White

Their eggs are large for the size of bird.

White leghorns are more lively than most of the hens. Very independent but make great garden pets.

These birds are excellent layers laying 300+ eggs per year.

The males grow to around 3.5kg and the females 2.5kg.

We have availability all year.

Price: £17.50

Please contact us for availability & to order.

Rhode Island

Classification – Large Hybrid
Eggs – Brown

Very hard hens, making great garden pets and excellent layers. Laying around 300 eggs a year.

Price: £17.50

Please contact us for availability & to order.


They are an Aruacana cross White Leghorn, producing 90% blue eggs, approximately 280 a year.

Obviously a good choice for anybody wanting a nice mix of egg colours.

They are very unusual looking pullet mostly white with random splashes of black on them, most of them have a crest and ear tufts they are independent hens.

Fantastic rangers, great at using the perches and very hardy making them ideal for free range.

Price: £25.00

Please contact us for availability & to order.

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